Dr Connie Nshemereirwe


Focus Areas / Specialisation

    Educational Measurement
    Science Leadership
    Higher Education

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My Vision for Future Africa

I think of my contributions to science in three broad terms: first as an educator, second as researcher, and third through my engagement with society. As an educator my focus has always been to encourage students to continually reflect on local challenges within a global context, and to direct their efforts towards addressing these challenges both while still at school and after they leave. To this end, my aim as an educator aims at facilitating the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills as key to engaging usefully in these processes. On the research front, my focus is contributing to our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the achievement gaps that we observe within the education system. This goes beyond simply noting that children in rural areas perform more poorly, for instance, and tries to determine the quality and quantity of the elements that account for this difference. In this way I have contributed to enriching and widening the debate on educational inputs vs educational outcomes. Thirdly, and I consider this to be my most important contribution, I am involved in the science leadership movement. Through this I participate in engagement with society on various policy issues, through think tanks, writing in the popular media, as well as through my membership of the Global Young Academy and the Uganda National Young Academy.