Satellite Programmes

Africa WILL
This initiative will explore the existing knowledge about women in science and examine societies perception of women in science.

Afro-Science Snippets
This project aims to develop a mobile application that will assist scientists to communicate in sound-bites.This application will alert users and package messages as sound-bites with links to research summaries.

Bio Medical Africa Innovation
Biomedical R&D is a key to African Development but a major barrier to success is access to research materials. Cost, delivery time, source, procurement methods and government restriction/allowances will be explored.

Capacity Development in Africa
The ultimate goal is to maintain a sustainable mentor-mentee cycle for purpose of capacity building and networking.

Coming to Africa – ALSP 2015
This project aims to probe the values of our culture for effective leadership and cultivating an inclusive mindset by bringing together willing scientists and community elders.

Integrating Community participation into appropriate technology development and implementation
Appropriate technology implementation should foster community empowerment and sustainability by community participation.

Gender & Science in Africa – ASLP 2015
Gender & Science in Africa is a project that aims at promoting and fostering Female African Leadership in Science by setting forth an ongoing research agenda that will tackle cross regional and trans-disciplinary issues related to the question of Gender and Science across Africa.

Leaders without Borders – ASLP 2016
This Projects aims to Africanise Science leadership, develop a critical-mass of qualified science leaders in Africa and create a stronger and sustainable network for Africa scientific leaders reflected in the quality of science.

Science Capacity Building in Africa
This initiative will stimulate training programmes that will focus on producing researchers with the capacity to conduct, publish and lead locally relevant and high-quality research that will have socio-economic impact in Africa.

Youth Development & Empowerment – ASLP 2016
As scientists, this project will aim to empower the youth to acknowledge and rely on the skills and resources they have, be independent, responsible

Science literacy & Transdisciplinary Communication
The project aims to develop science leadership in Africa through science literacy and transdisciplinary communication by simplifying scientific concepts in a manner that can easily be understood and utilised by communities.

Science Leadership: An African Perspective
This project focuses on redressing the problems of African Scientists with regards to Science leadership and management skills.

FAMS – Forum for African Marine Science
The goal is to connect African scholars and their institutions working in Marine Sciences.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Tshwane
The BEST project aims to investigate landscape design practices for biodiversity enhancement, explore native garden design ecologies in urban spaces, and develop local guidelines for ecological landscape design that are socio-culturally and ecologically relevant.

WE – Africa Lab
WE-Africa is an alliance of likeminded scholars and practitioners who share a common concern about the current socio-economic conditions in which we live and are willing to work together to promote a transition to a wellbeing-based economy for Africa.

UP Big Q
The #UPBigQ aims to grow the University of Pretoria's research culture, get everyone excited about responding to questions with real-life relevance, encourage collaboration across the university and communicate to the general public that we're doing research that matters.

Freedom from Violence
A multidisciplinary international research collaboration aimed at contributing to the realisation of SDG Goal 16 in Africa – promoting peaceful societies, access to justice, and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.

Flexible Thinkers for Future Africa – ASLP 2015
There is a wealth of educational material on the world wide web, but this is largely inaccessible to the majority of learners in Africa, who do not have a high-speed internet connection.

Bioprospecting and Bioecomony
The aim of the project is to combine, biodiversity, science and traditional knowledge; and make it accessible to the modern market by tapping into the rich pool of diversity for medicinal and cosmeceutical purposes.