Dr Dikabo Mogopodi

University of Botswana


Focus Areas / Specialisation

    Instrumental Analysis especially spectrometric techniques; Sampling and Sampling preparation, Statistics in Chemistry,
    Electrospinning, nanotechnology
    Chemometrics-statistics in Chemistry

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My current research focuses food security and food safety. I am currently focusing on strategies for mitigation, monitoring and control of mycotoxins and cyanobacteria which are pathogens that occur in food and water respectively and pose a threat to human and animal health. We do analysis and develop strategies by which we can remove these toxins. This could ensure consumer safety and compliance with regulatory standards and thus build resilient water and food systems. Through this work we have published a book chapter of which I am the first author and I have been awarded a grant by the University of Botswana (UB) to profile the presence of mycotoxins in food and feed across Botswana. I am also currently supervising a PhD female student who through the research has been selected this year to participate in the Lindau Laureate meetings and I was instrumental in sourcing funds for her travel. I am in the committee that is establishing partnership between UB and University of South Africa whose intention is to enable student exchange and staff visits between the institutions. To that extend I have also submitted a concept note on similar research which has been approved to go and thus we will have a MSc Chemistry student starting sandwich program in 2023 in the two institutions. Within the national academy I have led a national research project on “Advancing women participation in science communication”. I have participated in Science Granting Council Initiative Gender and Inclusivity (SGCI GEI) Project whose intentions among others are to Co-develop a common SGCI GEI Policy Framework Roadmap for implementing gender, diversity and intersectionality analysis in research environments. I also work on indigenous plant species where we investigate nutritional composition and sustainable utilization and value addition of these natural resources to improve food security in Botswana.