Dr Ghada Bassioni

Ain Shams University


Research Profiles
Focus Areas / Specialisation

    Organometallic Chemistry

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My Vision for Future Africa

I lead several international collaborations between e.g. The Petroleum Institute (PI)in Abu Dhabi, UAE and the Technical University Munich (TUM) in Germany; the Ain Shams University in Cairo Egypt and the TUM as well as several collaborations on a national level through my appointment at the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research like Egypt-Germany, Egypt-Italy, Egypt-Japan, Egypt-South Korea and Egypt-Russia. I have dealt with a variety of research areas as inorganic chemistry, organometallics and magnetic materials, physical chemistry and interfacial science phenomena in the field of construction materials as well as petroleum chemistry and flow assurance. In the last 5 years I committed myself to work on the national priority areas ‘water-energy-food’. Through the focus by media and newspaper, several publications had a significant and direct impact on societal behavior related to the use of aluminum cookware and it’s connection to Alzheimer disease. Moreover, I have established research facilities (The Center for Applied and Environmental Chemistry (CAEC) at The Petroleum Institute that helped Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in oil field testing from 2007-2012.Working on gender related issues as elaborated in Section 2 are recognized among several societies for my contribution as a role model in Egypt, Germany and the UAE.