Dr Houda Ennaceri
Work and Research
My current research focuses on the integration of efficient catalysts in the biodiesel production process form wet microalgae, and is highly interdisciplinary as it brings together a range of experts with complimentary expertise in phycology, biotechnology, chemistry, nanotechnology, and architecture (for building integrated algal growth). This cross-disciplinary research allows to capitalize on new and novel processes and technologies that can be used to improve the cultivation of microalgae for effective biodiesel production. Bioenergy is a leading option in the required shift to renewable energy production and is a key element in the Africa 2030: Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future. The production of biodiesel from microalgae is a carbon-neutral process now receiving considerable interest and investment from major energy companies such as BP and Shell globally. My research plays a significant role in moving this technology from technical proof-of-concept to low-cost commercial scale operations.